#1 "Bon Voyage, Jessica!"
This is Jessica. She has been so helpful to me for over a year and is moving away to a home near the ocean. Because she took care of so many "business-type" aspects for me at Colors By Laurie, it really expanded my creative time. I painted a sailboat for her because she loves them, and it represents her new adventures now that she is out of high school. I will truly miss her, and thank God for her. "Bon Voyage, thank you, Jess!"
(I will have more to say about this painting in a Watercolor Journal post and it may become a print available to purchase.)
#2 "Life Partners"
Ron/Julie Long, Don/Ann Sweetnam, Doug/Debi Wilson, Greg/Diane Roehr, Ric/Kathy Lebrecht, and our leaders, Ray/Barb Brown
I have so much to say about Gary's memorial service, but for now, I couldn't wait to post these photos of some very dear friends. This group from La Crescenta Baptist Church, was such a huge part of our life when we were first married and having our babies. What a joy it was to see most of them together again.
Roehrs, Don and Chris Carlson, Lebrechts
We were so involved with each other outside of Sunday mornings, working on each other's homes and gardens, making Christmas gifts, beach days, and play-dates for the kids. There were so many spiritually significant times too, as we learned God's plan for our lives and helped each other root out sin and grow together. I love this group of people and hope we can do a better job of staying in touch. It meant so much to me that they were able to come. I love them all!
#3 Relaxing With My Friend
I'm still adjusting to being a widow, and there has been much to do. Paperwork, and decisions have been the norm here, since Gary's service. I had scheduled a get-a-way with my friend, Christy, months ago for a couple of days this week. With all the busyness, it comes at a good time, and thankfully, we'll be going up to the Central Coast, where we had gone with our husbands back in 2004.
We have had little time to talk over the last few years, and I'm so happy we have time to catch up.
I was just here 10 days ago with the family, and it seems so soon to be back, but my friend and I are having a wonderful time.
It was so funny today, when going in shops how often I found myself saying, "Gary would have loved this (thing)." I don't know anyone who could "out-shop" him.
I love thinking about Gary in this place. It will always be a precious memory for me.
Truly Comforting...
"...the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore, comfort one another with these words."
1 Thessalonians 4:17-18