Every minute I've spent with this little guy to capture his personality, aka cuteness, has been really fun. I've been wondering what makes a baby owl SO cute? I think it has to do with his big head and 'starey' eyes. And fluff. Lots of baby animals have similar "cuteness" and elicit a spontaneous awwww!" But why do we humans love looking at baby animals so much? Guess what? The day after I finished this painting, I read that recently a study at Hiroshima University, found that looking at pictures of baby animals, increase productivity, focus and fine motor skills in adult employees. One reason may be that watching babies of any kind encourage the caring/nurturing part of us, that requires attentiveness to the needs of the little one. If you wonder how researchers would come up with this type of a study, Japan is 'crazy' for "Kawaii" (Japanese for 'cute'). Remember Hello Kitty? Pokemon? Anime?
Hello Kitty
Christmas morning 1977. Sarah and Sniffy.
So, I decided to display the little "owlet" painting near Gary for the time-being. I'm hoping his focus, and concentration, can be enhanced by this small, feathered tutor. In any case, this baby owl, will certainly exude cuteness, and that has to benefit Gary's sense of well-being. It does mine, every time I walk by. When Sarah was two years old Gary bought her a little bunny. She named it "Sniffy" because...wait for it... it sniffed. As you can see by the photo, it gave her a sense of well-being too.