Small actions end up meaning so much later on. At the time, I didn’t know how much a few little rocks would mean to me. Yes, they are pretty, and smooth, and remind me of a special place, but now they speak to me in a much deeper way. Gary and I collected them at Moonstone Beach during our many visits here. I’m here again. This time alone since Gary can no longer leave the house. It’s hard to leave him, even though I know he is well cared for, but I know he’d say… “GO! Have Fun!” So here I am.
If interested click HERE for note card and print.
Last week, in anticipation of being here, I had the pleasurable experience of painting this exact handful of pebbles.
I stood still for about 20 minutes waiting for this Egret to get this close, and right after this he caught the mouse and took it farther away to dine in private.
I’m here to relax, remember, and make some new memories of my own. Today, in fact, I explored a new area nearby, and saw something new! An Egret hunting in a grassy field, and catching a MOUSE if you can believe it!. I’m so happy I got to see 5 of them when on a walk in the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve. They were too far away for a good photo, but easy to see in person.
Gary was so good at noticing the unique things. One time he’d say, “Let’s collect all GREEN pebbles this time.” Another it was “Collect pebbles that look like jelly beans.” Anyway, we did, and over the years have accumulated a few jars of smooth, little rocks. One time I found all the colors of the rainbow and laid them out on Gary’s handkerchief. He was also good at finding the perfect flat pebble for skipping too. I marveled at how many skips he could get out of a throw.
Why so special? It was time spent together, marveling at Creation. God didn’t have to make rocks in various hues, but He did. He didn’t have to make light with a spectrum of color, but He did. I’m happy to be here, for the both of us, being able to look at things with fresh eyes, and refreshed for serving again.
Getting time away for respite looks different for everyone, but Jesus set the example for us long ago. Let’s all try to find a way to follow in His footsteps.
“But Jesus Himself would slip away to the wilderness and pray.” Luke 5:16.