Watercolor Journal - Celebrating Pink

 I have to admit that painting a monogram with cherry blossoms for a little girls room was especially fun for me.  Now pink always makes me think of girly things, like dollies and fairies, and princesses.  Cherry blossoms are the most perfect naturally occurring pink I can think of.  (The mom who bought this painting very kindly mentioned it on a parenting blog she contributes to. There's lots of good ideas at this blog, for you moms out there. Click HERE to see the photos and how nicely it is framed.  The photo is 3rd from the end.)

It was a privilege to raise 2 daughters, and as I was working away on this painting, which was special ordered for a "Pink Nursery" I kept thinking about our daughters.

Sarah with Holly Hobbie
When I was pregnant, before the age of ultrasounds and finding out the sex of your child ahead of time, Gary had been very vocal about wanting a boy, that is until the Dr. handed him our little Sarah.  Everything changed in an instant.  He was now a father of a girl, and soon would have 2.  He never looked back with any kind of regret not getting a boy.  He took our daughters on dates, to the Hello Kitty store, taught them to let a man hold the door for them, and was their protector.  He even got down on the floor to play My Little Ponies, on occasion. 
I loved sewing dresses for them, and having them help me make cookies, and all those typical things, but they knew how to climb up in the tree house too, and ride the zip line to the front yard.  And as you can see, one of them even liked to cuddle frogs. 
 Our girls to this day, are the best of friends, but their personalities are as different as night and day.  That may be the reason...  They have their own families now, and have supplied Gary and I with 6 grandsons and 2 granddaughters.  Since I just finished making another memory book for my husband, Gary, who has Alzheimer's,
these photos were fresh on my mind.  I couldn't resist sharing...

Sarah in the rain

A visitor in our fish pond
Who needs a dolly