Gary and Jason on our daily walk around the neighborhood.
I said 'Good-bye' to Jason this morning. I can't imagine the last six months without him in our home. He came to us at the perfect time, and gave freely of himself to serve us in more ways than I can count. He is truly a gift from God and will forever be in our hearts.
As he travels, and always, my prayer for him is a blessing from Numbers 6,
"May the Lord bless him and keep him. May the Lord make His face to shine on him, and be gracious to him. The Lord lift up his countenance on him, and give him peace." Numbers 6
I'm looking forward to seeing how the Lord will use him as he spends his life serving others in the name of Jesus.
Gary's schedule is done, the care giving is lined up, and our plan is finished. Our needs will likely change again, but for now, we're all set. Again, the Lord has provided just what we need at just the right time.
For the story on how Jason came to us click HERE
For the last blog post about 'transitions' click HERE