Reformation Day Reflections


Halloween is such a big deal now, and it’s going to be here in a few days.  But a bigger deal to me, on October 31, is “Reformation Day.” It celebrates the day, in 1517, that the priest, Martin Luther nailed his Ninety Five Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral, kicking off a big debate about the infallible authority of Scripture and how someone can be justified in God’s sight. The result was the Protestant Reformation.

Three years ago, I enjoyed a tour in Europe to learn more about a few of the people and events of those years.  A couple years later, I finished condensing my trip into this 90-minute video. I tried to choose music that was somewhat similar to the various eras, and I relied on my travel journal where I had jotted details. Some of the video is narrated by Yours Truly. Listening to a recording of my voice always sounds funny to me but I did it anyway.


Right now, I’m tempted to go ahead and share the tremendous impact this trip had on my life, but I have made my comments in my video. Briefly, being in the places, and reviewing the history of the church was challenging, and inspiring for my own faith. My prayer is that I would have the courage to stand for the truth, and live for Christ, following the example of so many who have gone before me.

Just to give an idea of what’s in my video…


We focused on Martin Luther in Wittenberg and Worms, Germany, John Calvin in Geneva, Switzerland, multiple martyrs in London, England, John Knox in Edinburgh and St. Andrews, Scotland, John Newton in Olney, England, William Tyndale in Lutterworth, England, John Bunyan in Bedford, the Marian Martyrs in Oxford, England, Hugh Latimer, and others in Cambridge, England and Jeremiah Burroughs in London, England.

PLUS there were a few other fun people and places not related to church history mixed in.

I love to share, so here goes…

(Click arrow to play)