Watercolor Journals: A Resting Place

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come into me and rest.

Lay down, O weary one, lay down your head upon My breast.”

I came to Jesus as I was, so weary, worn and sad;

I found in Him a resting place, and He has made me glad.

Horatius Bonar, a Scottish Pastor wrote this in the mid 1800s and was not a stranger to being weary, worn and sad. He and his wife buried 5 of their 9 young children.

Many verses came to mind as created this painting for a recent project requested to illustrate Psalm 34:18, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Jesus said “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 12:28-30)

I have had many moments of needing to throw myself completely into the Lord’s care. Have you? Whether brokenhearted over my sin or the sins of others, the sorrowful state of our world and it’s effects on people past, present and future, or the daily burdens and trials of my life, the only true solace and peace comes from the living water of cleansing from sin offered by Jesus Christ is the only lasting relief. And He DOES make me glad! I’m sure many of you can relate!

The prophet Jeremiah has been a big encouragement to me recently. I was reading the words of this heartbroken mouthpiece for God to the wayward nation, Judah, just this morning. He expressed his heart so openly, telling God about his weary discouragement over the sins of his people and his own personal suffering from persecution, as well as his ultimate peace and trust in God finding comfort in the truth. He is a great example to me of a weak, flawed human who entrusted himself to his perfect Father God. I hope I can follow in his footsteps of pouring my heart out to God, even when confused and discouraged, and finding rest in God’s perfect plan. I love what Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations 3, familiar but oh so true:

“The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease

for His compassions never fail.

They are new every morning: Great is Your faithfulness.

The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, therefore I have hope in Him.’“

More from Horatius Bonar’s song, “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give

The living water, thirsty one; stoop down and drink and live.”

I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life-giving stream;

My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in Him.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am this dark world’s light’

Look unto me, your morn shall rise, and all your day be bright.”

I looked to Jesus, and I found in Him my star, my sun;

And in that light of life I’ll walk till trav’ling days are done.

A friend recently shared that this painting reminded her of these words from the pen of David: “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him?…O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth!” Psalm 8:3-4 & 8. We have much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Eve!

Since some have asked…or if you’re interested, painting, prints and notecards of this image are available at my Etsy shop. CLICK HERE to open link.

Keeping the Brushes Wet

Time for a little update. I announced this on Instagram and Facebook, but I wanted to give more details here on my blog… I’ve reopened my Colors By Laurie artwork business. I can hardly believe it’s been 5 years since I’ve been selling my designs. I had taken a break so I could catch up on some family matters. I couldn’t give enough of myself to both my art business AND wrapping up what remained of my parents’ many interests, despite how organized they were. Thankfully, I was able to continue with painting here and there for the joy of it but having my business was just too much.

My life since Gary, (9 yrs ago) has been full and fulfilling. I do miss Gary but the Lord has helped me to find my place as a widow. There has been much to do, making new friends in my neighborhood, spending time with my old pals, attending special grandkids’ events, and continuing with the Alzheimer’s Dementia ministry at our church.

I’m offering some original paintings for now and hope to add some new prints and cards at some point. Last fall I participated in an art festival here in my community on a whim and I loved it. (See photo) I really enjoyed meeting people and seeing familiar friends and talking “art” with the other participants. I’m planning to do another one on June 1st.

I hope you’ll check out my Etsy shop at colorsbylaurie.etsy.com I’m just getting started so more paintings will be added as soon as they are complete. (If you are following me on Instagram or Facebook, I’ll let you know when there are new additions to my shop.) I presently have a couple on my drafting table that are in process.

Thanks for all the support and interest already. I love you people, and I’m really glad to be back at it!

Watercolor Journal: Sunset Joy!

Getting started.

I’ve always been hesitant to paint a colorful sunset. They intimidate me. I think to myself, “No one would believe it if I painted the colors as vibrant as they really are!” That was going to change.

Getting away to the central coast for a couple days requires bringing my supplies just in case there might be time for a sketch, or a painting, or at least the beginnings of a painting. My daughter and her girls had planned a short “end of summer” trip last week to Moonstone Beach for themselves and invited me along. How could I say “no"? The first night of two, the sunset was fairly simple with just a few low-lying clouds on the horizon, so I decided it was time to leave my comfort zone, and attempt my first sunset painting. Hoping to learn something new, I snapped some photos for reference. The next day, I busted out Vermilion, Crimson Red, and Orange-Yellow paint, which I typically use in small quantities for toning down a blue or green, but this time they would take center stage, straight from my palette. “Don’t be afraid to use color!” rang the memory of my mother’s coaching. I dove in and took her advice. I finished my painting at home a few days later, where I was able to use the masking fluid to block out the bright yellow sun-ball and edge of the clouds while I washed the skies with more bright red-orange. It’s always a bit of a thrill to peel off the masking material when finished, check out the contrast and find out if it worked.

This particular painting got me thinking about how humanly manufactured two-dimensional images whether a photograph or a painting, always fall short of capturing reality. It could be argued that they might evoke a certain “mood” or “feeling,” but even those are the same as being there. Being present in a scene is always better when one is within earshot of waves crashing, or breathing in the scents of sage and salty air. One’s peripheral vision catches a line of pelicans working their way along the shallow waters and we track them as they go by. So much to see, feel, hear, breathe.

I had a great time painting this scene and it was a learning experience. I tried to capture the view as best I could, and remind myself and others that the wonderful sights we see in creation point to their Creator. Our Creator. On Sunday morning we sang “From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea, Creations revealing Your majesty…Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name, You are amazing, God.” (by Chris Tomlin)

“You make the dawn and the sunset

shout for joy.” Psalm 65:8

Creation sings the Father’s song. He calls the sun to wake the dawn

And run the course of day ‘Til evening falls in crimson rays.


Let all creation stand and sing,


Fill the earth with songs of worship,

Tell the wonders of creation’s King.

(Creation Sings by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townsend)

The 2nd night’s sunset was beyond description. These photos won’t do it justice but I have never seen a circular rainbow in one direction and then…in the same moment, turned around and seen a sky like this in the opposite direction. EVERYONE was out on the boardwalk, in the drizzle and in awe. I hope they were singing God’s praises as they took it all in. I know I was.

Seven Years Ago

In the perfect timing and plan of God, seven years ago today, surrounded by his family, my dear Gary’s soul left his temporary, earthly dwelling behind, took his final breath, and closed his eyes. He awakened in glory with our Lord, and is currently in His presence. We were privileged to see the earthly side of that amazing moment. His heart had been steadily beating since July 19, 1949 until his brain, crowded with the webs and tangles of Alzheimer’s dementia could no longer sustain life.

Over the years and even recently I have been asked why? Why Gary? Why at age 56 should he be stricken with this disease of “old age”? This is a question that many grieving people ask. I know widows that struggle with understanding. I don’t think I have ever questioned God as to the “whys” of our trial, but I do understand being burdened down with the weight of the loss and all the accompanying trials that came with it when it began sixteen years ago. For the nine years of Gary’s illness, I knew not how long it would last. The prospect of what would happen to us, at every new loss was daunting.

There is a simple answer to those “why” questions. We live in a fallen world. Just read Genesis 3 to see why the earth is cursed and dying. If we were in Adam and Eve’s place we would have fallen too. So death entered the world, people get sick and die. Some will be raised up to life in heaven with God in glory, and some to eternal separation from God and torment. I’m so thankful that God provided a solution for my sin in His son, Jesus who came to bear that “death penalty” in my place. I’ve thrown myself on His mercy and with gratitude thanked Him for His perfect life, and complete payment for my sins. I don’t deserve it. No one does. All I need do is entrust myself to His death and resurrection on my behalf.

Instead of asking “Why” I love thinking about what an older widow friend of mine said to me recently. “The way to walk through any trial with peace and joy is by abiding in Christ.” For those of us who trust in Jesus as our savior and Lord, this is what we imperfectly do by God’s grace. Gary’s life here was temporary and had an end but way back in 1971, when the Lord saved him, that’s when his real life began. Pastor John recently said that “our transformation at our salvation is much greater than our transformation when we die.” Our soul is changed from being dead, to being alive.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” 1 Peter 1:3-5

The Lord is continuing to sustain me even though alone and feeling my age a bit more. There is much to do, and my life is really full of opportunities to enjoy and serve. I am reminded of Gary almost daily by random things; a funny comment, a favorite movie, traits of his seen in ourdaughters and grandkids. But his best legacy to me is the love and faith he had in Christ. I know he is enjoying being with the Lord.

God’s Faithful Love

Not knowing today is the anniversary of Gary’s passing, earlier this week, a sweet neighbor gifted me a plumeria plant because she remembered I said Gary loved them. I had forgotten that conversation, but God remembered and prompted her to bless me. God is faithfully taking care of my heart and when I get discouraged or burdened with some of the hard Providences and challenges in my own life or the lives of those I know, He reminds me that He loves me with an everlasting love. This plumeria will be a special reminder of that when it leafs out and blooms.

Watercolor Journal: Older is the New Younger


“What’s the hardest thing about aging?”  The question caught me off guard. 

My response: “Hmmm…no one’s asked me that before.  I’ll have to think about it.”

The context was a discussion with a young woman about how to help some older folks in our church, but I am aging too so my answer to her came from my own experiences.  I’m a 67 year old widow, living in a senior community, with more years behind me than in front of me.  Though I wouldn’t think of myself as a gerontology expert, I do fit the mold, so here goes.   

If I had to roll up aging difficulties into one word it would be LOSS. 

If we live long enough, we will lose health, hearing, vision, joint flexibility, sleep and the ability to bounce back quickly.  I’m unable to help in the ways I used to.  I’ve already noticed the parent/child roles reversing, as my kids have begun looking out for me more.  More than likely, I will progressively lose independence, when multitasking becomes more difficult, sharp memories fade, and at some point, I may need to surrender my driver’s license.  I would suggest the most difficult loss during these years would be having to say goodbye to people.  Five years ago, I lost my husband and my parents.  Since then I’ve been to multiple funerals of friends in my peer group. I’m losing time too.  There are not enough hours or days left to complete every travel dream or finish special projects.  These days there’s a lot of talk about “making memories.”  I hope I don’t lose them too, but I might.  There are plenty of threats to long term memories accompanying old age. 


Losses are real, but aging comes with HUGE gains! 

God promises in Psalm 92 that The righteous man (the one who has put his faith in Christ) will flourish like a palm tree, he will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.” (v.12)  Did you know that Cedrus libani grows to 130 feet with an 8 foot diameter trunk?  It lives on rocky hillsides, and exudes strength.

How does a believer grow strong over the years? How do his roots go down deep into the rocks so he can flourish and grow?  Being “Planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God.” (v.13)  In order to thrive we must stay close to the Lord, dwelling with Him, hanging on tight to Him and enjoying His qualities of faithfulness, love, justice and strength and more.  He did the planting, we stay close and believe what He says in His word.


Consider this…

“If we ever really grow in the courts of the Lord’s house we must be planted there, for no tree grows in God’s garden self-sown; once planted of the Lord, we shall never be rooted up, but in his courts we shall take root downward, and bring forth fruit upward to his glory forever.” C. H. Spurgeon

Once planted, there’s fruit to be born but it’s the mature fruit tree that bears the fruit.  They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green,” (v.14) When my husband was sick with dementia, and his body and mind were failing it was a tremendous comfort to know that his inner soul, who he was, the real Gary, was being renewed every day.  This is true.  Do you believe it?  If you are a believer, God, who saved you, has promised that He will continue His work in both of us until the day of promise.  In those discouraging moments, when I am not able to crouch down and paint the baseboards, or remember someone’s name, or drive long distances after dark, I MUST take God at His word.  There are years behind me of experiences when I was given opportunity to trust Him and flex joyfully with His will. I have seen His good hand at work in my life, leading and guiding, and He has proven He is trustworthy.  He keeps his promises just like this one “…though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.”  2 Cor. 4:16


Over the last year, I’ve been able to spend time in ministry with other widows who are older than me.  I’ve observed these senior saints dealing with difficulties surrounding the Covid issues with trusting acceptance and flexibility.  I long to follow their example.

Spurgeon says it better than I can…

“Aged believers possess a ripe experience, and by their mellow tempers and sweet testimonies they feed many.  Even if bedridden, they bear the fruit of patience; if poor and obscure, their lowly and contented spirit becomes the admiration of those who know how to appreciate modest worth.  Grace does not leave the saint when the keepers of the house do tremble; the promise is still sure though the eyes can no longer read it; the bread of heaven is fed upon when the grinders fail; and the voice of the Spirit in the soul is still melodious when the daughters of music are brought low.  Blessed be the Lord for this!  Because even to hoar hairs he is the I AM, who made his people, he therefore bears and carries them.”  C. H. Spurgeon

My prayer and purpose especially in these later years is “to declare that the LORD is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”(v.15)  Why wouldn’t I be peaceful with His goodness nourishing my roots every day until He calls me home?    

“Every aged Christian is a letter of commendation to the immutable fidelity of Jehovah.”  C. H. Spurgeon

The gains of the elderly in Christ far outweigh the losses.  Praise God for that!

Cedars of Lebanon painting inspired by Psalm 92:12-15

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,
they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
planted in the house of the Lord,
they will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still bear fruit in old age,
they will stay fresh and green,
proclaiming, “The Lord is upright;
he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.”

Watercolor Journal: And the Tree Was Happy

Photo Mar 02, 10 19 08 AM2.jpg

This tree drifted onto Moonstone Beach at some point.  As I tried to get to know it, I wondered what it’s story was.  If driftwood could talk…  Where did it come from?  Did kids climb in it’s branches?  What animals lived in it?  Was it near the edge of a bluff, hanging on until a big storm finally eroded it’s grip?  Where was that?   Not even sure, what kind of tree it is, but now it is nicely wedged in the sand, and makes a nice place to sit.  Someone has carved initials and a heart on it. 

My name was carved alongside my husband’s on the trunk of our Buckeye tree, by Gary long ago.  It shaded our house and front yard for many years.  It held the special “mist heads” which kept the ferns cool during the hot summers.  Of course, someday that tree will die, or be cut down to make room for something else.  Then it will be useful for firewood, mulch, or a stump to sit on.

At home (19).JPG

I relate to the driftwood in my painting.  I used to be Gary’s wife for a long time.  There were a million things to do in that role, and I loved it.  Now I have new things to do, and I enjoy them too.  Maybe you’ve read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.  Sometimes I see myself as the “tree,” wanting to be useful in new ways, and sometimes I’m the “boy,” looking for a comfortable place to sit, and enjoy the view. 

From "The Giving Tree"

"I wish that I could give you something... but I have nothing left. I am an old stump. I am sorry..."
"I don't need very much now," said the boy, "just a quiet place to sit and rest. I am very tired."
"Well," said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could,
"well, an old stump is a good for sitting and resting. Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest."
And the boy did.
And the tree was happy.”

At home (5).JPG

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!”  Philippians 4:4

A Little Gem in Stepney

On Sunday, June 19, my daughter, son-in-law, and I were in London, mid-way through a trip of a life-time.  We were traveling with a group from their church through 5 countries looking specifically at the Reformation period of Church History.  I have SO much to say about this trip, and am getting ready to share photos and thoughts with you, but you know how it is when there’s something that just won’t keep?  I have been chomping at the bit to share one particular memory with you.  It was not a part of the scheduled tour, but it was a thrill for me personally and I was inspired to paint as soon as I got home.

St. Dunstan's Church, Stepney

Sunday, June 19, 2016

One of many descents into the Tube.

One of many descents into the Tube.

My eyes filled with grateful tears, when descending the escalator to the London “Tube.”  With our very busy tour schedule, and the remoteness of this little church, I was so happy that things were working out.  It would take about an hour of underground (the London “subway” or Tube) , bus and walking.  I’m not sure I could have found it on my own, but thankfully, Jon and April joined me for free-time that day.  I will always be grateful to Jon for making it possible. 

A little church, in Stepney Green, at the East part of London, and just a few blocks from the Thames, was our destination.  From 1640 – 1646, Jeremiah Burroughs was preaching here, for the last 6 years of his life.  He was called “The Morningstar of Stepney” back then, and 350 years later, his most well-known work, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, became one of my husband’s favorite books.  Burroughs was a faithful Puritan pastor and member of the Westminster Assembly, for more info, click HERE. or for more detail... HERE

But, back to my story…

It had been a very full day; church in the morning, a 2 hour walking tour in the St. Paul’s Cathedral area, the Tower of London, and a quick look into the British Library “Treasures” room before it closed.  Interspersed were meals, eaten on the run, and multiple Tube and taxi rides.  (Thankfully, all museums in London are free, so you can duck in and out, and not feel ripped off.)  Walked a few blocks to grab some dinner, which we ate on the run, now aware that the evening would soon be upon us, and we still had a ways to go to find St. Dunstan’s Church. 

With dinner in hand we discovered that the Underground route we needed was closed. We had to go a round-a-bout way, (still with dinner in hand), sharing the most crowded underground ride yet.  We were literally inches away from everyone, including a drunk guy who was nearly falling over on us as we stood holding on to the poles.  (no such thing as "personal space")  He was intent on telling us how we Americans should vote this fall.  So funny!  I felt relief when the doors opened at our stop.  Next, a bus ride, and then a walk of 5 blocks through a quiet, residential neighborhood.  I was so thankful to have Jon with us, as it was a bit lonely feeling. 

St. Dunstan's and All Saints Church, Stepney, London, England

St. Dunstan's and All Saints Church, Stepney, London, England

And then, rounding a corner, there it was.  St. Dunstan’s Church in the midst of a beautiful, churchyard of green grass, big trees, and old tombstones.   It was not crowded-in by high-rise office buildings, like so many of the churches we’d seen.  The gate was open, though the church door was locked.  There were some people walking their dogs and a few men sitting on a grave, talking with their friends.  It was a very quiet scene.  This church dates back to the 7th century, but most of the current building was built in the 15th century.  (some parts go back to 1200)  Amazingly, the building had survived the Blitz of WWII and with minimal changes over the last 500 years,  it is almost entirely the same building that Burroughs preached in, rag stone rubble, limestone trim, gargoyles, and all. (*more info at end of post) 

How Gary would have loved this place.  He would have enjoyed seeing where one of his heroes preached, and walking around looking at the gravestones.  But, of course, he's actually WITH Jeremiah, in the presence of the Savior they both love so I won't feel sorry for him.

I love looking over the notes Gary wrote to himself, to see what was important to him.  

I love looking over the notes Gary wrote to himself, to see what was important to him.  

I am grateful for Jeremiah Burroughs.  Gary, sat under his training, every time he returned to "The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment." I believe Gary's peaceful acceptance of life's ups and downs was largely due to this book.  Gary did not particularly love reading, as it was not easy for him, and there were few books he read, but let me share a couple of things he underlined in the book.  Maybe you'll be blessed by them too.

"Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition."  J.B.

"Contentment is a sweet, inward heart-thing.  It is a work of the Spirit indoors." J.B.

"When you are in a ship at sea which has all it's sails spread with a full gale of wind, and is swiftly sailing, can you make it stand still by running up and down in the ship?  No more can you make the providence of God alter and change its course with your vexing and fretting; it will go on with power, do what you can.  Do but understand the power and efficacy of providence and it will be a mighty means helping you to learn the lesson of contentment." J.B.

"So this is the art of contentment: not to seek to add to our circumstances, but to subtract from our desires." Jeremiah Burroughs

"So this is the art of contentment: not to seek to add to our circumstances, but to subtract from our desires." Jeremiah Burroughs

I'm glad contentment was important to Gary.  He would be the first to say it did not come easy to him but he really wanted to trust the Lord in every area of life, especially the rough patches.  He prayed to have a trusting heart often and God answered that prayer by making the big trials in our life so much easier, and enriching.  The girls and I have read it too, and I'm going through it again, because I'm struggling with a greedy heart lately, and contentment in God's plan for me is the answer to greed!  

A few hours earlier on this day, I had stood in a very, very long line to see the extremely valuable, and highly guarded Crown Jewels, in the Tower of London. They were amazing.  The royal crowns and scepters, are decorated with HUGE and beautiful diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and more. British royalty are honored with the biggest and best gems in the world.  But Jeremiah Burroughs calls "Christian Contentment" the rare jewel.  Contentment, is so elusive yet we are called to it.  One day, in Glory, it will be mine.  Until then, I entrust myself to the Lord's training and like the apostle Paul,  am "learning" the secret of how to be content.  On this day I was able for a little while to walk in the steps of a faithful man who, though dead, still speaks.  Thank you Rev. Burroughs. 

This rose, if I'm not mistaken is a Newport Fairy Rose.  Gary grew these rambling pink roses at our Sunland home.  It was frosting on the cake to see these growing on the church grounds. 

This rose, if I'm not mistaken is a Newport Fairy Rose.  Gary grew these rambling pink roses at our Sunland home.  It was frosting on the cake to see these growing on the church grounds. 

"My brethren, the reason why you have not got contentment in the things of the world is not because you have not got enough of them - that is not the reason - but the reason is, because they are not things proportionable to that immortal soul of you…

"My brethren, the reason why you have not got contentment in the things of the world is not because you have not got enough of them - that is not the reason - but the reason is, because they are not things proportionable to that immortal soul of yours that is capable of God himself."  Jeremiah Burroughs

"...I have learned, to be content, in whatever circumstances I am. 

I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. 

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." 

Philippians 4:11-13

(FOR MORE STUDY, Pastor Mike Riccardi preaches about Biblical contentment; what it is, and how to learn it.  To listen, click HERE!)

*INTERESTING TRIVIA:  St. Dunstan's was known as the "Church of the High Seas" and many sailors are buried here.  The naval ensign continues to fly from the bell tower.  There is a stained glass window dedicated to those sailors who lost their lives in the war.  It is built of Kent limestone.    Shortly after Burroughs died in 1648, the churchyard had been expanded to 7 acres to accommodate the massive number of deaths due to the Great Plague of London.  Today it is a park, open to all. 

St. Dunstan's Church, Stepney

St. Dunstan's Church, Stepney

I love to get your comments...either here or on Facebook.  Thanks for visiting! 

Lexi and the Sparrows



This little sparrow print is very special to me. It is reproduced from a watercolor painting I just finished for a dear family who has been going through a really hard time. It is inspired by little Lexi, the six year old foster daughter of Rusty and Summer Page. You may have heard their story in the news. I couldn't think of a more helpless, or insignificant bird than a sparrow, and yet, the "least among us" are precious to God who cares for them. (Scroll down to read a short summary or find out more at www.saveourlexi.com)


1. Contribute to the Pages for legal and associated expenses.

I will be sending my proceeds, minus my costs, from the sale of these prints to the Pages to help with their legal and associated costs as they continue to make their appeal to get Lexi back home. (For duration of 2016)

2. Remind yourself to pray for this sweet little girl and her family.

I have known the Pages for years and along with many of you, have been praying for little Lexi. She is away from her home, siblings, school, church and her life. Her communication with all of these has been cut off, and I can only imagine how she must be suffering. BUT thankfully, God is not unaware, or surprised by this. He has a soft spot for the helpless, and Jesus reminds us that God values his own.

To purchase this 8 X 10 print for $14.95,

click HERE.

“Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows." Matthew 10:29-31


Lexi lived with the Pages for 4 years until March 21, 2016 when she was removed by L.A. County to go live in Utah . Because she has 1.5% Indian Blood, she is under the authority of the Indian Child Welfare Act which seeks to place Native Americans into homes with N.A. relatives. When reunification efforts with her parents were ended, at the end of 2012, the Tribe recommended placement in the Utah home. The Pages have been seeking to adopt Lexi ever since. Twice the trial court has ordered Lexi to Utah, and twice, the appellate ruled in favor of the Pages. Their last request was denied on March 18 and 3 days later, Lexi was taken from the only family she has ever known, and bonded with and has been cut off from all communication with her foster family. The Pages are continuing to try and bring Lexi back by every legal means possible. Almost 120,000 people have signed a petition requesting that Lexi be allowed to remain with the Pages (To sign petition: change.org) (To follow on Facebook: #Save Lexi)

Click HERE to purchase the print and all the proceeds beyond my costs will go to the Page family.  This print is on textured Sundance card stock and does NOT include frame. This print fits nicely in an 8" X 10" frame or mat in an 11"X14" frame. Shipping is extra on this item. Colors By Laurie prints are reproduced from my original watercolor paintings and may not be reproduced.

Thank you so much!


Watercolor Journal - Wind in the Pines

A family asked me to paint their beloved cabin in the mountains of New Mexico.  I’ve never been to that state, but as I painted the pine forest background I reflected on my childhood camping trips.  My parents took me camping from a very young age, mostly to the High Sierras in California. Mom and Dad loved back-packing and mom even made me a little down-filled sleeping bag.  If there was no rain, we didn’t pitch a tent, and I remember laying on a bed of pine needles, and looking up at the stars at night.  I listened to the crackling campfire and their voices nearby until I fell asleep.  Sometime later I’d wake up between them, with a cold face and warm body, secure in their love and happy to be a little girl, outside in the forest. 

The wind in the pine needles above, made it’s whooshing sound, and was familiar, because outside my bedroom in Southern California were three big pine trees.  But outside, in the forest, the sound of the wind was grander, and deeper.  There were many instruments in this beautiful symphony.  And here, as the dead pine needles were blown from the trees, they would not have to be raked off our driveway at home, so let the wind blow, and do it’s work, adding to the softness of the forest floor, preparing a little bed for the next sleepy-head to rest upon...look up...and listen. 

Watercolor Journal - A Pebble in the Hand

Small actions end up meaning so much later on.  At the time, I didn’t know how much a few little rocks would mean to me.  Yes, they are pretty, and smooth, and remind me of a special place, but now they speak to me in a much deeper way.  Gary and I collected them at Moonstone Beach during our many visits here.  I’m here again.  This time alone since Gary can no longer leave the house.  It’s hard to leave him, even though I know he is well cared for, but I know he’d say… “GO!  Have Fun!”  So here I am. 


If interested click HERE for note card and print.


Last week, in anticipation of being here, I had the pleasurable experience of painting this exact handful of pebbles. 




I stood still for about 20 minutes waiting for this Egret to get this close, and right after this he caught the mouse and took it farther away to dine in private. 

I stood still for about 20 minutes waiting for this Egret to get this close, and right after this he caught the mouse and took it farther away to dine in private. 

I’m here to relax, remember, and make some new memories of my own.  Today, in fact, I explored a new area nearby, and saw something new!  An Egret hunting in a grassy field, and catching a MOUSE if you can believe it!.  I’m so happy I got to see 5 of them when on a walk in the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve.  They were too far away for a good photo, but easy to see in person. 




Gary was so good at noticing the unique things.  One time he’d say, “Let’s collect all GREEN pebbles this time.”  Another it was “Collect pebbles that look like jelly beans.”  Anyway, we did, and over the years have accumulated a few jars of smooth, little rocks.  One time I found all the colors of the rainbow and laid them out on Gary’s handkerchief.  He was also good at finding the perfect flat pebble for skipping too.  I marveled at how many skips he could get out of a throw. 



Why so special?  It was time spent together, marveling at Creation.  God didn’t have to make rocks in various hues, but He did.  He didn’t have to make light with a spectrum of color, but He did.  I’m happy to be here, for the both of us, being able to look at things with fresh eyes, and refreshed for serving again. 

Getting time away for respite looks different for everyone, but Jesus set the example for us long ago.  Let’s all try to find a way to follow in His footsteps. 

“But Jesus Himself would slip away to the wilderness and pray.” Luke 5:16. 

Watercolor Journal - Walking the Planks

Inspired by the boardwalk, the ocean and the many wildflowers.

Inspired by the boardwalk, the ocean and the many wildflowers.

Moonstone Beach at Cambria is on the California’s Central Coast.  A view of the ocean from my window, inspired this painting, and I painted most of it right there on my mini-retreat, alone, two weeks ago. Moonstone Beach Drive runs along the bluff with the view on one side and the hotels on the other.  Cambria is our best, “close” place to make us “feel” far away.  It is a 4 hour drive from home that seems much farther.  The only man made thing between the drive and the beach side is a boardwalk (see it?) that runs the length of the beach on the bluffs, amidst sage, wildflowers and pines.  I’m guessing it was originally built to encourage people to stay off the natural landscape, which it does, but there’s more to it's story…my story at least.

2005 - Things were fine then.

2005 - Things were fine then.

I have walked this boardwalk with Gary before, and at those times gave it little thought, but on this solo trip, the wooden walkway was an inescapable connection to my husband.  Memories of other days rolled over me like the nearby waves.  Gary and I had walked along the bluffs many times.  If the day was cold and misty, we had coffee in hand.  If clear and sunny, we had sunglasses and trail mix.  It was always refreshing or leisurely or inspiring, but whatever it felt like, it was shared.  The wooden planks are frequented by runners and walkers, lovers strolling, surfers checking out the waves, tourists with binoculars hoping to see an otter or sea lion, and underneath are ground squirrels hoping for a treat.

November 2011 - Middle stage dementia, but still enjoying the walk.

November 2011 - Middle stage dementia, but still enjoying the walk.

We have been coming up here for many years.  We love it here.  Our daughter, Sarah and her husband Ryan, came along with us 2 1/2 years ago to help me with Gary.  It would be the last time for Gary and I to be here together.   I remember that during that trip to Moonstone, Gary enjoyed walking on the sand without anyone guiding him and at dinner, how much he enjoyed his salmon dinner fed to him by Ryan from across the table, as I sat next to him at Robin's Restaurant.  It was a very special time. 

Right now, at this moment, the waves are breaking in rhythm.  Someone is walking hand in hand along the bluff.  I’m happy for them.  I’m happy for us. 

Moonstone Beach, Cambria, California - Walking with the Lord and very sweet memories.

Moonstone Beach, Cambria, California - Walking with the Lord and very sweet memories.









Watercolor Journals - The Secret Place

"The Secret Place”

based on “The Secret Garden,” by F. H. Burnett

“And the secret garden bloomed and bloomed and every morning revealed new miracles. In the robin’s nest there were Eggs and the robin’s mate sat upon them keeping them warm with her feathery little breast and careful wings. At first she was very nervous and the robin himself was indignantly watchful. Even Dickon did not go near the close-grown corner in those days, but waited until by the quiet working of some mysterious spell he seemed to have conveyed to the soul of the little pair that in the garden there was nothing which was not quite like themselves—nothing which did not understand the wonderfulness of what was happening to them—the immense, tender, terrible, heart-breaking beauty and solemnity of Eggs. If there had been one person in that garden who had not known through all his or her innermost being that if an Egg were taken away or hurt the whole world would whirl round and crash through space and come to an end—if there had been even one who did not feel it and act accordingly there could have been no happiness even in that golden springtime air. But they all knew it and felt it and the robin and his mate knew they knew it.”  From Chapter 25, The Secret Garden

Being pregnant with our first daughter, brought out the nesting instinct in me.  A hand-me-down crib required a coat of paint, bedding and a new mattress.  We chose yellow, because in those days, no one knew the gender until the baby arrived.  I made a Noah’s Ark mobile to hang above the crib. The cabinet received a new coat of varnish.  The drawers were lined with pieces of the green and yellow wallpaper and the shower gifts were placed inside.  Her room was warm, safe and ready. 21 years later she would leave her nest.  A few years later her sister would leave as well.  Now they have their own nests, and the cozy ritual goes on.  Getting ready for little ones is one of the greatest privileges in life.

Watercolor Journal - Closer and Closer

based on “The Secret Garden,” by F. H. Burnett

"Oh! look at him!" exclaimed Mary.

The robin was evidently in a fascinating, bold mood. He hopped closer and closer and looked at Ben Weatherstaff more and more engagingly. He flew on to the nearest currant bush and tilted his head and sang a little song right at him.

"Tha' thinks tha'll get over me by doin' that," said Ben, wrinkling his face up in such a way that Mary felt sure he was trying not to look pleased. "Tha' thinks no one can stand out against thee-that's what tha' thinks."

The robin spread his wings-Mary could scarcely believe her eyes. He flew right up to the handle of Ben Weatherstaff's spade and alighted on the top of it. Then the old man's face wrinkled itself slowly into a new expression. He stood still as if he were afraid to breathe-as if he would not have stirred for the world, lest his robin should start away. He spoke quite in a whisper.

From Chapter 10, The Secret Garden

A few weeks ago, my little granddaughter was excited to show me her friendly hummingbird.  She learned that if she sat very still, near the feeder, the hungry bird would come quite close.  It’s hard to be patient, but she lifted her hand and “froze” whenever he was near, and he hovered right there.  The little birds are a wonderful brush with wild things, the “magic” of our own secret gardens, and so we love them.

Watercolor Journal - Mary's First Friend

Based on “The Secret Garden,” by F. H. Burnett

“Mistress Mary went a step nearer to the robin and looked at him very hard. "I'm lonely," she said.

She had not known before that this was one of the things which made her feel sour and cross. She seemed to find it out when the robin looked at her and she looked at the robin….. Suddenly a clear rippling little sound broke out near her and she turned round. She was standing a few feet from a young apple-tree and the robin had flown on to one of its branches and had burst out into a scrap of a song. Ben Weatherstaff laughed outright.

"What did he do that for?" asked Mary. "He's made up his mind to make friends with thee," replied Ben. "Dang me if he hasn't took a fancy to thee."

"To me?" said Mary, and she moved toward the little tree softly and looked up. "Would you make friends with me?" she said to the robin just as if she was speaking to a person. "Would you?"   (From Chapter 4, the Secret Garden)

April at the Colorado River. 1981

April at the Colorado River. 1981

How lovely to remember our children reading this story.  Now, our oldest granddaughter is reading about the same mysterious garden, and the robin who knew where it was.  Generations of children have played outdoors, laughed at the antics of the wild things, and imagined they were friends.  Grown ups are no different.  Ever try to entice a squirrel to come close with a peanut?  While hiking once with Gary, we came upon a huge bull moose.  The surprise and fear gave way to the realization that he did not mind us being there.  We weren’t exactly “friends” with him, but for a moment, he was allowing us into his wild world.  Thrilling.

Watercolor Journals - Behind the Wall

Since my robin note cards are making the rounds this Spring, I'm posting some of the musings these paintings have inspired in me.  I can't see a robin without thinking of the cheeky lil' beggar in The Secret Garden.  Enjoy!

Behind the Wall - original watercolor

Behind the Wall - original watercolor

“And delight reigned. They drew the chair under the plum-tree, which was snow-white with blossoms and musical with bees. It was like a king's canopy, a fairy king's. There were flowering cherry-trees near and apple-trees whose buds were pink and white, and here and there one had burst open wide. Between the blossoming branches of the canopy bits of blue sky looked down like wonderful eyes.

Mary and Dickon worked a litle here and there and Colin watched them. They brought him things to look at--buds which were opening, buds which were tight closed, bits of twig whose leaves were just showing green, the feather of a woodpecker which had dropped on the grass, the empty shell of some bird early hatched. Dickon pushed the chair slowly round and round the garden, stopping every other moment to let him look at wonders springing out of the earth or trailing down from trees. It was like being taken in state round the country of a magic king and queen and shown all the mysterious riches it contained.

"I wonder if we shall see the robin?" said Colin.”  (From Chapter 21 of The Secret Garden by F. H. Burnett)

Canada Geese in view.

Canada Geese in view.

I wonder the same thing each morning as I open my blinds.  I wonder if I will see the robin, hopping about looking for worms, or the two Mallard ducks who sometimes work their way along the golf course looking for breakfast, or the five Canada Geese who flew in and landed on the ‘green,’ disrupting the putts of some ladies last week.  Right now, I can hear a symphony of animal life.  It is evening, and the crickets and tree frogs are singing in the ravine, interrupted only momentarily if someone is walking a dog nearby.  There is so much to see when we look expectantly outdoors.  I must keep those binoculars handy.

Watercolor Journal - Cherished Forever

Click on painting to enlarge.

"It will be cherished forever." That's what P.G. said when she received the painting last week.  It was a gift from her husband.  Hummingbirds and African Violets hold a special place in his wife's heart.  Why?  Her mother had loved them first.   Her mom is no longer here, but now, P.G. waters the same plants and treasures the glass hummingbird “sun-catchers” that hung in her mother’s window.  It was my privilege to create this painting, a gift from her thoughtful husband, to keep the memory of her mother fresh.

"Let me tell you it is the most beautiful gift I have ever received. It is a beautiful compilation of so many meaningful elements. Thank you for making (my husband's) vision a reality. it will be cherished forever!!!  It is truly a magnificent piece of art! I only wish my Mom was here to see it...she would love it as well."  P.G.

Thoughts on my own treasured mom...

This project gave me pause to think about my own mother.  In the winter of her life she is as beautiful as ever.  Thankfully, my mom lives within walking distance of me, so I can still enjoy her smile, and kind heart.


My mom and I getting ready for Easter. 

My mom and I getting ready for Easter.


Let me conjure up some memories of my own.  My mother delights in so many things.  She’ll try anything and is the quintessential “good sport.”  She’d jump on our trampoline, teach the granddaughters how to cha-cha, and reads Uncle Remus with the perfect accent.  Her mobility may be limited, but her mind is active, serving my father, reading the Bible, and keeping track of her great-grandchildren’s birthdays.  She always wore a brightly colored hat for road-trip photos because it was “photogenic.”  When she puts scotch tape on a Christmas gift, the ends are folded down on themselves so there are “pull-tabs” to make it easy to open.  She made all our Halloween costumes from scratch, every year, and at age 90, just made herself a new apron with bluebird fabric to remind herself of the bluebirds that used to nest in their eaves.  I already think of my parents whenever I see a bluebird.

The real gift here, is not the painting, but the cherished mom, who inspired it and like my client, my mental treasuries are full, and I love my mom.


Watercolor Journal - Cute


Every minute I've spent with this little guy to capture his personality, aka cuteness, has been really fun.  I've been wondering what makes a baby owl SO cute?  I think it has to do with his big head and 'starey' eyes.  And fluff.  Lots of baby animals have similar "cuteness" and elicit a spontaneous awwww!"  But why do we humans love looking at baby animals so much?   Guess what?  The day after I finished this painting, I read that recently a study at Hiroshima University, found that looking at pictures of baby animals, increase productivity, focus and fine motor skills in adult employees One reason may be that watching babies of any kind encourage the caring/nurturing part of us, that requires  attentiveness to the needs of the little one.  If you wonder how researchers would come up with this type of a study, Japan is 'crazy' for "Kawaii" (Japanese for 'cute').  Remember Hello KittyPokemonAnime

Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty

Christmas morning 1977.  Sarah and Sniffy. 

Christmas morning 1977.  Sarah and Sniffy. 

So, I decided to display the little "owlet" painting near Gary for the time-being.  I'm hoping his focus, and concentration, can be enhanced by this small, feathered tutor.  In any case, this baby owl, will certainly exude cuteness, and that has to benefit Gary's sense of well-being.  It does mine, every time I walk by.  When Sarah was two years old Gary bought her a little bunny.  She named it "Sniffy" because...wait for it... it sniffed.  As you can see by the photo, it gave her a sense of well-being too. 

Watercolor Journal - Lil' Bandit

Furry, cute, and oh so sneaky!  A favorite lil' critter of mine is the raccoon.  I know they can be mean and you don't want to get cornered in a small space with them, but the little mask, striped tail, and the fact that they 'wash' their food makes them irresistible to my imagination. 


Everyone has a good raccoon story.  My favorite took place at our old house.  With the Koi pond, and it's shallow rock waterfall, raccoons and possums were around from time to time..  A  place to wash food, an occasional fish food pellet, ornamental grass which hosted grubs, and worms, to say nothing of the tempting fish.  Gary had built the patio over hanging the pond a little, so that the fish could hide from predators and most of the fish were too big for a raccoon to pull out, but all the other goodies in our garden were in abundant supply.  Anyway, we knew they were there, our dogs kept us informed of that in the night.  Being nocturnal, I always wondered where they went in the daytime.  Our tree trimmer found out one day, when pruning a palm tree.  Up on a very tall ladder, and deep into the thickest part of the palm fronds, he came face to face with a big raccoon.  It was right next to our pond, and had made a nest there.  Both of them were surprised, and Mike took a quick exit.  When he went back up, Mr. Raccoon was gone.



When we take Gary for a walk every morning, guess what we see?  Evidence!  We've got raccoons here too, and I love knowing that.  I saw muddy prints in our little garden right outside our living room window, so I know they are close by.  We criss-cross their paths as we walk through our little neighborhood.  I wonder where they go in the daytime?  What tree, or bush do they live in?  Are they curious about us too?  Seeing these little prints day after day, reminded me of our little ecosystem by the pond, and inspired me to paint Lil' Bandit.  Love the daily "brush" with critters, and capturing them with MY brush!

Makes me feel like we're back in Sunland!​

Makes me feel like we're back in Sunland!​

Do YOU have a good raccoon story of your own to share?   

"Boochie" Bunny


More about my plans for this bunny painting in another post.

In case you were wondering, my latest watercolor is "boochie."  This little bunny is "boochie" according to my granddaughter.   She has coined this word which is defined as follows:

Boochie is an adjective that describes a person or animal.  They must be small with chubby cheeks, and have a cute face.  So, some babies are boochie, as are some small animals.  Many baby animals qualify as well, such as baby skunks, raccoons, chipmunks, penguins, seals, and of course, bunnies.  Boochie, does not necessarily mean "soft", and in fact may even be prickly, as a hedgehog or porcupine.  (as long as it's cute)

The first time she used the term was when she first saw her little cousin.

 He takes after his mother, who was also boochie.

April (one year old)

Last week, when she was beating me at the Mother & Baby Animal Memory Game, she "schooled" me on which ones were boochie as well.

All babies, except the mama bunny who is also boochie.

Beating Grandma at Bob the Builder Memory Game (Why do I keep these humiliating games around?)

And just because I couldn't resist...here's some more of my boochie grandson!

Happy Springtime everyone!  

"This is the day that the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it!" 

Psalms 118:24